Joint Statement
English statement as follows:
アンドルー・ワイル(医学博士・アリゾナ大学 A・ワイル統合医療センター創設者)、園田寿(甲南大学名誉教授・弁護士)、佐久間裕美子(作家)、イーサン・A・ネーデルマン(政治学者、ドラッグ・ポリシー・アライアンス創設者)、蛭川立(明治大学准教授・国立精神神経医療研究センター客員研究員)

Joint Statement of opposition to the THC regulation threshold by the Japan Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
On May 30, 2024, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare announced a proposed THC threshold for CBD products. In the Japanese CBD market, products with a THC concentration of 0.02% are commonly distributed. However, the proposed THC threshold is 0.0001%, which is 1/200th of the THC levels currently used as a guideline and found in most CBD products on the market.
Producing, distributing, and maintaining CBD products with this THC threshold is extremely difficult. Therefore, if the law is amended to reflect this threshold, the current Japanese CBD market risks effectively collapsing.
Currently, the Cannabis Control Act in Japan prohibits the medical use of cannabis. Consequently, many people use CBD products, which are distributed as food, for health management. This is particularly critical for individuals using CBD to manage epilepsy, insomnia, or to taper off psychotropic drugs. Even relatively healthy individuals using CBD for wellness would be affected. Despite the widespread use of these products, there have been no reports of significant health issues.
If the Ministry's proposed THC threshold is adopted, it could lead to significant health problems for these individuals, potentially creating a major public health issue.
Moreover, although the recent legal amendment has allowed the use of Epidiolex, a CBD-based medication, in Japan, its application is limited to specific epilepsy symptoms. Additionally, Epidiolex is significantly more expensive compared to CBD products distributed as food, likely imposing a considerable financial burden. This overlooks and deprives many individuals who rely on CBD products of their right to live healthily.
Furthermore, while the proposed THC threshold appears clear, verifying it is extremely challenging. This increases the risk of arrest and detention based on estimates. Even if the THC levels are below the threshold, investigations and prosecutions under the Narcotics Control Act or the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act could occur, raising concerns about the potential abuse of power by investigative and prosecutorial authorities.
We view the Ministry's decision as potentially leading to serious human rights issues. We demand that the Ministry adopt a THC threshold at least comparable to those in other advanced countries.
June 20, 2024
Voluntary Organization Clear Light
Hidehiro Marui (Lawyer), Hideo Nagayoshi (Author), Ryujiro Oyabu (Ceramic Artist)
General Incorporated Association Future of Criminal Justice
Shinichi Ishizuka (Professor Emeritus, Ryukoku University and Lawyer), Yasuhiro Maruyama (Professor, Faculty of Law, Rissho University), Takeshi Kato (Representative, Kizugawa DARC)
Andrew Weil (MD, Founder of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona), Hisashi Sonoda (Professor Emeritus, Konan University and Lawyer), Yumiko Sakuma (Writer, Ethan A. Nadelmann(Political Scientist, The founder of the Drug Policy Alliance), Tatsu Hirukawa(Meiji University Associate Professor, Research Fellow at National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry)